It doesn’t matter what beach it is, whether it’s the crowded, flat shores of Daytona with the darker water, or the rocky, inland waters of Fort Island Gulf. … In Daytona there is the bustling beach town, the rough waves that can be too much at times, it’s one of the may go to places for spring breakers. At night is my favorite, though, watching the sunset disappear behind the ocean waves, the tide getting closer, seeing the transition as the families leave for the night and the wild teenagers and young adults come out, and lastly walking along the boardwalk riding the roller coaster, the tilt-a-whirl, the arcade games, and visiting all the shops.
Then there is the environment of Fort Island, it is miles away from a town, it has no stores nearby, just a single van parked by the sand selling slushies in a pineapple, … surrounded by nothing but trees, rocks, and open land. The waves are calmer, not as harsh as Daytona’s. I love climbing the rocks and the trees, accidentally getting bit, or pinched by something, and mostly never knowing when I’m going to slip of something that’s just a little bit too slippery. Two very different environments, but yet they both come from the same body of water. I’ll never have my mind fully wrapped around that fact, I think it’s safe to say that the one thing that fascinates me the most, from the point I knew what the beach was and probably long after I’m too old to walk, will always be the beach, no matter what kind it is. Diana C.
Then there is the environment of Fort Island, it is miles away from a town, it has no stores nearby, just a single van parked by the sand selling slushies in a pineapple, … surrounded by nothing but trees, rocks, and open land. The waves are calmer, not as harsh as Daytona’s. I love climbing the rocks and the trees, accidentally getting bit, or pinched by something, and mostly never knowing when I’m going to slip of something that’s just a little bit too slippery. Two very different environments, but yet they both come from the same body of water. I’ll never have my mind fully wrapped around that fact, I think it’s safe to say that the one thing that fascinates me the most, from the point I knew what the beach was and probably long after I’m too old to walk, will always be the beach, no matter what kind it is. Diana C.
My life as far as I can remember has always been centered around music. Music has always accompanied me in many different ways. Whether it be listening to certain songs to help me get through depression or creating a playlist with all my friends for our trip to the beach. In any point in my life, music has been there.
Now as I have matured, I've begun to develop a deeper, more critical interest in music. I've began to ask questions about why certain kinds of music make you feel a certain way. Questions like “Why does this chord progression make me feel excited while this one makes me feel anxious?” It’s only been recently that this level of thought has piqued my interest, but so far, it has kept me looking and researching for possible explanations.
Regardless of how deeply you think about music, I think music can benefit anyone in numerous ways. Music has the ability to toy with your emotions and make you feel different ways that other mediums cannot. … It is extremely interesting how we can use music to change our moods or to portray how we are feeling. Even though to many music may seem simply as “noises that sound appealing”, to me, music is a lot more than this. It acts as a gateway, introducing new aspects that we can critically think about. – Hector A.
Ever since I was a kid I’ve always loved turtles. Whether they are sea turtles or tortoises I’ve always wanted to know everything I can about them. I’ve watched movies about them and read so many books trying to learn their everything I can about them. I want to know what they eat, why the go where they go, how their ancestors helped influence them now, and just about anything else.
I’m actually going to school now so I can study them personally and try to save their species. On top of all that I have a few things in my mind to help clean the oceans. Out of all the sea turtles my favorite would have to be the leatherback. All I could think of is this giant 7ft 1,000-pound sea turtle swimming up next to me or even watch it on the beach as it lays eggs. They are such gentle creatures and watching their home be destroyed makes my heart ache. Even knowing that there are poachers out there stealing green sea turtles from their nesting place to sell them on black markets makes me sick. They eat them and use their shells as decorations which is wrong. One day I just hope to change how things are in the other for these creatures and many more. -- Taylor L.
Weren't these fun to read? I hope they will inspire you to write and to share! Please check back later in the week for Part 2!
I enjoyed the turtle story a lot. It was very well written and made me learn new things about sea turtles. - Ryan Cohn
ReplyDeleteI loved the wakeboarding story, because I play paintball and I understand about the adrenaline he talks about. Also I totally get the part where at the beginning we are not very good at doing something and we get frustrated, but then we get better and better with practice.-Bracho G.