Content: Post content should be related to the course or clearly related to student life at CF in some way. You may publish materials, such as papers or journal entries written for the course, as well as material written specifically for the blog. This should be material of interest to others in the class and the campus community and besides course material may include information about campus events (past or present), campus clubs, etc. If you wish to publish a piece for the blog, please email me through Canvas with information about your proposed topic or piece for publication.
This is not a political or religious forum. If you wish to publish on those types of topics, I encourage you to start your own personal blog for that purpose. This is also not a forum for conducting commerce or advertising commercial ventures. The editor reserves the right to decline to publish a submitted post if it does not fit content guidelines.
Format: A blog post is not an essay, so there is some flexibility in format. In general, blog posts are shorter and less formal than a class essay, but if you are sharing a finished paper, a full essay can be shared "as is." If you are writing an original post you have more flexibility. I will handle formatting to fit the blog requirements. Please submit your posts to me as a single spaced Word document through Canvas email.
Because this is a blog, visual images/pictures are strongly encouraged, especially when reporting on campus activities. Like the blog posts, pictures should be your original work. You may also use images from a public domain resource site like Pixabay: https://pixabay.com/ or https://unsplash.com/ You may not use copyrighted images from the Web without permission. Linking to external sites is also permitted within the posts, and youtube videos that are relevant to the post may be embedded. If you wish to add these, please include the link in the Word document when submitting the post.
Mechanics: Because this is a public presentation of your writing, you should make every effort to produce a text that is polished mechanically. You will be working with an editor, so if submitted posts need work on mechanics, your editor will ask you for any necessary changes. If you use source material within your work, it should be properly cited in MLA format.
If you have any questions regarding these guidelines, please email me through Canvas.
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