I have lived in Ocala my entire life and have only been to the Appleton Museum on a field trip in elementary school. When I heard about the Urban Family Day that would combine art and the holidays, I thought it would be a perfect opportunity to reconnect with the Appleton.
The first thing that I noticed was the beautiful holiday trees throughout the museum. I later learned they were decorated by various organizations throughout the community.
This picture is my favorite picture from the day’s event. I love the contrast of the Christmas tree decorated in white lights with a painting and sculpture sitting in the background. The holiday season can become all about shopping and presents, but this picture made me stop and realize how important it is to remember the beauty of the holiday season and the beauty of the art work in the Appleton Museum.

i really liked this post. christmas is my favorite holiday and always look forward to it. i just love the overall atmosphere that comes along with christmas. the picture of the tree with the paintings in the background really caught my attention. -Carlos Garcia