Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Artwork from a Different Perspective

by Azaleia Lorenzo

As I walked into the Appleton Museum it brought me back to when I was just eight years old on a field trip with my school. I thought to myself I never remember it being this beautiful. Arthur I. Appleton gifted the city of Ocala with this beautiful museum that was established in 1982 ("History of the Appleton”). Walking around the exhibit I had a better appreciation for the art that was constructed by each artist. It was much more fascinating to me now than it was when I was eight. Each of the paintings I saw made me see a story within them. I looked at each of the paintings and sculptures in awe wondering how amazing each piece of art was. Every detail was beautiful and mesmerizing. The time spent on these artworks had to be incredibly tedious. The creativity that the artists portrayed was outstanding and made me wonder what exactly was their state of mind during the process of creating these masterpieces.

My favorite painting of the entire museum was in the European and American Gallery. The painting was called “When Love Is Young,” a painting by an Italian artist named Vittorio Matteo Corcos. His paintings are made with oil on a canvas. He pays attention to the detail of the colors in his paintings. Corcos is well known for painting images of men and women in beautiful clothes and their composition (Vittorio Matteo Corcos”).

When Love is Young
When I look at this painting the first thing I can tell is emotion. The emotion I see between the two people in the painting is intimacy. I think the creator's mental state while creating this painting was maybe he was missing his wife or loved one and decided to depict a painting on his feelings. Since there is a chair in the painting and the sailor is on the other side of the railings it seems to me as if the two are separated for some time when he leaves for sea. As the man is gone the women sits waiting for her loved one to return back to her. I can see a possible sense of the two suffering minor depression when they are apart until they are together again united happily. I could also sense some separation anxiety as the woman has a chair beside her waiting for the return of her lover. It seems as if she cannot bear to do anything else but think of when he will come back, so she sits and waits.

The feeling that I get when I see this painting is contentment. The image clearly shows that the two young lovers have been apart from each other, and as they reunite the emotions and joy of their love is shown by the way that they look at each other. When two people are young in love they, cannot even imagine being away from each other, so the painting exhibits an appropriate depiction of what love may be seen as.

Works Cited 

"History of the Appleton." College of Central Florida Appleton Museum of Art,
         2016, appletonmuseum.org/about/history/

"Vittorio Matteo Corcos: Biography." Artnet,   
         2016, http://www.artnet.com/artists/vittorio-matteo-corcos/biography


  1. When I first looked at that picture, I thought it was just a man and a woman by the water. After reading your description, I see that it is so much more and a lot of emotion in the painting. I see the man walking up to the balcony to visit the love of his life and that they have missed each other. I also feel that they are from two different types of families and maybe have a forbidden love. Thank you for sharing your visit.

    Kaylee Davis

  2. I absolutely loved how you described the painting. He truly does paint the love into the artwork and you can feel the love between the couple. The clothes really add to the time they are from too and create a nostalgic feeling of wanting to experience that era. It is sad to think that she just sits there and waits for him, but in that time that's all they could do because they had to real sort of communication like we do now with the push of a button. We share the same feeling of contentment from the painting. It is truly enlightening to see "them" together and that the young lovers can show such emotion in just a skilled painting.

  3. The painting is beautiful. It's amazing how an artist can paint and potray such chemistry. The painting isn't saying that the couple is young, I see that happiness of being in love when you first start dating. I lived in Washington, D.C for 12 years and one of our biggest attractions is the Smithsonian Museum. If you ever go there they have sculptures and paintings like this also. You definitely should go along with our Spy museum, and holocaust museum which really stirs much emotion!

  4. i love how a painting can bring up such emotions. i really like the painting and wonder what the painter might have been thinking at the time. the painting itself is captivating through it's texture of colors. there's a certain tenderness to this painting when i look at it. -Carlos Garcia
