Friday, April 26, 2019

How Karate Changed Our Lives

by Rachel Lovely

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."
― Eleanor Roosevelt

I had a dream to give my children more opportunities than I had. Thanks to my best friend Elizabeth I was able to make my dream come true. I was sitting down, chatting with Elizabeth one night, and we were talking about our dreams. I told her how badly I wanted to put my kids into sports. Unfortunately, I couldn't afford it. Elizabeth, being the angel that she is, offered to pay for their lessons. I immediately enrolled my son, Jason, into karate.
When I first started college, I was required to take Math 0057. Mr. Bill Bauer was my instructor. I enjoyed this class very much. Mr. Bauer was very friendly and would share stories about his life with us. On top of being a math instructor, he was a bodyguard, and moonlighted as a karate instructor.
This made the choice of where to send Jason for karate very clear. Jason would definitely take Mr. Bauer's class. I had the thought in the back of my head to send him there, but I knew i couldn't afford it. When Elizabeth made it a reality for us, we were ecstatic.
On our first day of karate class, I couldn't wait to introduce Jason to Mr. Bauer. He introduced himself to Jason as Sensei Bill. With our history of math class, Sensei Bill had an immediate connection with Jason. He took him under his wing to show him the ways of Teikoku Shodan, a type of karate.
To describe my son a little bit, he is four years old, almost five. He is 71 Pounds, which is
rather on the heavy side for a four-year-old. I try watching his diet and his sugar intake. He is active, but the chunkiness runs in the family. There is also history of heart disease and diabetes in the genes as well. This is why I wanted for him to be in sports so badly.
        Back to the first day of karate, he did alright. He is defiantly not a natural. He will require a lot of conditioning. He has fun and enjoys karate very much. Sensei Bill is amazing and takes his time with Jason. Jason does his kicks and punches. He does push-ups and jumping exercises. He has come a long way from where he started.
After his third class, Sensei Bill told Jason he needs to run, do pushups, and crunches at home to get stronger. Now Jason is teaching me karate. He asks to go running and do his pushups and crunches every day. Jason said if he must do it than I must do it also. Now he has me running, doing pushups and crunches. Which is great for me, because the history of diabetes and heart disease come from my side of the family.
Now we are becoming closer as mother and son through karate and exercise. Instead of watching movies we are outside running. I feel so much better daily because of the exercise I am doing. I haven't exercised in years. It is easier with Jason by my side encouraging me. We are going to live longer happier lives because of karate, sensei bill, and Elizabeth. The dream, that became reality is changing our future.


  1. I think it is amazing you were able to find someone who would help pay for your kid to participate in a sport. I think it is important for kids to be able to participate in sports. It is such as easy way for kids to stay active and make new friends. It is also a plus that your child wants to stay so active after class such as running, crunches, and sit-up. It is also nice how he encourages you to do the same thing with him, it is an amazing bonding opportunity.

  2. This is such a heart warming post. It is so amazing when we have fantastic friends who are willing to help us do the things our hearts desire, but we lack the ability to do so. I have 4 boys myself, and have considered karate for a few years now. Your post has only strengthened my resolve. I too, may have to enroll my boys into karate. I do believe that karate teaches fantastic self control, as well as, mental and physical strength. It can even help Jason learn what he should and should not enjoy when it comes to foods because of the self control aspect. Congratulations. I think this was a fantastic post.

  3. Hey Rachel! I am glad that your child has the opportunity to practice Karate. It is important to involve kids in sports. When I was little, I did not have the opportunity to be involved in any sport, and now I wish I had. I am looking forward to see his progress in that interesting sport.

  4. First of all, your son is so cute in that karate outfit! He looks like a real master already. I love that you and your son can have healthy practices with each other.

  5. This was a very sweet story that I'm glad I read. Sports are great for kids and knowing that it was a life changing experience for you is amazing. I loved karate when I was a little kid and hearing this made me very happy, Keep up the great work!

  6. I think this is a very lovely story about your relationship with your son. I'm glad he got the opportunity to enjoy a sport, and wish i had tried to do so myself as a kid. Its amazing what children can teach and help adults with sometimes. Overall this was a very cute and wholesome story to read this morning.

  7. That made me have a flash back of my childhood, my mother put me in TaeKwonDo, a type of martial arts. It was for the same reason, as a kid I was a bit over weight. So, my mother and I both did martial arts together. I didn't pass yellow belt, but my mom became a black belt. So did my sister. Instead, I went to soccer which I did enjoy better.  I really enjoyed that short story for it was quiet cute and i enjoyed the flash back. 

    Brennan Petro

  8. I have a nephew in the same situation and I understand the struggle of getting them interested in any sort of exercise. My sister and I enrolled him in Karate class and he seems to be enjoying it so far. He does lack coordination but he is getting better every class. Your story is very inspirational hopefully we will see the same results. Giordana Romeo

  9. Wow, that's so awesome Rachel. I believe everything happens for a reason. Isn't it amazing how you have been longing to put your son into some kind of sport and you just happen to be speaking to the right woman about it? Then you just happen to know someone who was great in karate. That is no coincidence. Everything seemed to fall into it's proper place and there was definitely purpose behind it all! I am very happy for you and I just encourage you to continue on the path you and your son are on. God bless ya'll. :)

  10. WOW Rachel, I am truly happy for you and your son. It is a heart warming story. God blessed you with good people in your life such as your friend Elizabeth and your Math Professor Mr.Bauer. Blessings bring joy, and that is what happen in your family. Now not only you and your son are getting physically benefits but your relationship as mother and son is closer every time.
    - Rose

  11. This is an awesome story. I'm so happy for both of you guys! We're putting my daughter in dance class in the fall and, if she doesn't like that, we're gonna try karate and then music. I'm pretty nervous about all of it. I hope our experience is as wonderful as yours.
